Webdesign by Gregory Lewis


Welcome to the Amateur Station of N5XO!

I first got into HAM Radio in 1968 at the tender age of 10 after a book on Marconi created an interest in Spark GAP Radio’s. A friend and I built a set of Spark Gaps from old model T spark coils and began sending messages back and forth to each other. This came to a sudden and abrupt stop one saturday afternoon with a knock on the door by local law enforcement and a Local HAM. It seemed that we were not only having fun sending signals back and forth to each other, but wiping out 100% all TV and Radio signals for a 10 mile radius. The HAM Figured it was safer to have me join them than not, and after talking my father into letting me live, encouraged me in the hobby, and helped me study for my Novice ticket which I received in Sep 1968. My interested faded in the early 70's as my interest shifted to Cars, Girls and other related activities. Followed by the U.S Navy {Radio Man}. The bug to get back into radio bite me several times over the next couple of decades, but never strong enough to actually move forward. By 2005 we were down to one child in college and the rest were married and raising families of their own. Ruth and I decided this was a great time to remodel and recondition the house for our needs as a couple, rather than a family of 5. Cleaning out a hall closet in preparation for hard wood flooring to be installed, I found my old trusty HW101 transeiver untouched since it was boxed up in 1977 when I went into the Navy. That rekindled an interest and one of the new found rooms became a ham shack. I tested and got my Technician in Oct 2006, upgraded to General January of 2007 and in May of 2007 upgraded to Extra. I was extremely lucky to have my wife join me in the hobby in Spring of 2007.


N5XO Operations!

I enjoy greatly HF Operation and have an extremely capable station for DXing and just setting back on one of the HF bands and having a nice long QSO really makes my day. However my true passion is for 6 meters and up. While I have been active on 6 meters since late 2007, it was a chance encounter and contact on 2 meters SSB with J.D N0IRS and followed right up with Dave N0IRC out of Kansas that got me solidly hooked. From that point on I have been hard at work building a 50MhZ and above contesting station. I am constantly in search of new grids on 6, 2, 1.25, 70cm and 23cm. I hope to work you very soon.

Please enjoy my web page.






The Unusual Suspects

San Antonio Simplex Amateur Radio Group










N5XO Video

Amateur Radio Video on N5XO You Tube Channel









The HAMSters

VHF & Above Weak Signal Grid Chasers






Copyright © 2012- Gregory Lewis